Player Profile of %PSEUDO% on Mafia inc.

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$244.71 !!

Player Profile of lydie-bouard

lydie-bouard's profile
Profile Info
03/12/2013 08:33:53 AM

Last Misdeeds Accomplished
Challenge : a challenge ended and you won Free Rounds : M$ won by each player today (Rank #74)
Challenge : a challenge ended and you won Free Rounds : M$ won by each player today (Rank #74)
Game Grid : you win M$ with a Truce Bonus uncovered by another player : minimodis232 on the Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you win M$ with a Truce Bonus uncovered by another player : lianelili on the Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you win M$ with a Truce Bonus uncovered by another player : capri123 on the Game Grid #357572
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 5.5 $ (Raffle draw #49034)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 5.5 $ (Raffle draw #49033)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4.5 $ (Raffle draw #49036)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4.5 $ (Raffle draw #49032)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4.5 $ (Raffle draw #49031)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3 $ (Raffle draw #49038)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3 $ (Raffle draw #49035)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 2.25 $ (Raffle draw #49037)
Game Grid : you win M$ on the Game Grid : Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you decided to make a deal with a player. This player won M$ thanks to you : Given to opaline78 with your Bonus No.20340776 on the Game Grid No.357572
Game Grid : you uncovered a Deal Bonus : Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you win M$ on the Game Grid : Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you win M$ on the Game Grid : Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you win M$ on the Game Grid : Game Grid #357572
Game Grid : you win M$ on the Game Grid : Game Grid #357572

07/12/2023 09:47:59 AM
07/12/2023 09:47:59 AM