Player Profile of %PSEUDO% on Mafia inc.

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Player Profile of st9530

st9530's profile
Profile Info
03/13/2013 08:04:00 AM

Last Misdeeds Accomplished
Game Grid : you win M$ with a Truce Bonus uncovered by another player : mehd62300 on the Game Grid #357817
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 35 $ (Raffle draw #49056)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 9.5 $ (Raffle draw #49061)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 8 $ (Raffle draw #49043)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 6 $ (Raffle draw #49079)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 5 $ (Raffle draw #49071)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 5 $ (Raffle draw #49070)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49081)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49080)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49077)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49073)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49069)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49065)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 4 $ (Raffle draw #49060)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3.5 $ (Raffle draw #49063)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3.5 $ (Raffle draw #49062)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3.5 $ (Raffle draw #49051)
Game grid : with your Double Hit Bonus, you won M$ : Double Hit Bonus #20362668 on Game Grid #357817
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3 $ (Raffle draw #49078)
Prizes and Winnings : you bought a raffle ticket with your M$ : 3 $ (Raffle draw #49075)

Dusud Gang
02/10/2021 06:50:27 AM
02/10/2021 06:55:16 AM